QR codes
QR codes can do anything:
- Store message: plain-text
- Open website: Portfolio, Company, YouTube, Squarespace, Pinterest, Foursquare, landing page
- Email: Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Zoho, AOL, or any other email service
- Phone number: call or SMS
-,, digital namecards
- Location: Google Maps
- Social Media Accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, clubhouse, Yelp, Weibo, WeChat, Google Review, Spotify
- WiFi Login: Connect to your specified wireless SSID and Password
- Payment methods: Paypal now, Wechat, Alipay, Bitcoin, and other pay apps
- iTunes music store: Using cover art as your QR code background is the best way to promote your new album or single
- App Store: fires up Google Play or Apple App Store download page (automatic Android and iOS detection)
- Digital Menu, flyers, pdf, and other file access.
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